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Paz, J. (2013): “Aging, Employment, and Poverty in Argentina” Chapter 17, Yushi (Boni) Li (Editor): Global Aging Issues and Policies - Understanding the Importance of Comprehending and Studying the Aging Process. Charles C. Thomas Publisher, LTD. IS

Aging society is an urgent global issue that challenges almost all human societies in the world. When nations evolve into aging societies, they must establish and implement policies and approaches to meet the needs of the elderly population, such as elderly services, long-term care, health care policies, institutional facilities, illness and healing processes, financial support, and retirement life and leisure. The fundamental purpose of this book is to help students and readers develop their knowledge on worldwide elderly issues. To accomplish this goal, the text incorporates 18 chapters from different countries with a variety of aging topics, which are divided into continents including Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America, and the Oceanic Islands. Specific chapters from the following countries/regions are included: Sub-Saharan Africa, South Africa, China, Japan, Israel, Singapore, Thailand, Austria, United Kingdom, Estonia, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United States, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, and Uruguay. By sharing these regions’ and nations’ elderly issues and their particular solutions to the challenges, it provides readers with global views on current aging processes, policies, and strategies. The book effectively helps readers understand that the increase of the elderly population is a major development of the 21st century. The text further helps comprehend the importance of improving the elderly population’s overall quality of life as well as valuing the contribution they can make to their communities and society. The reader will gain insights about why global elderly issues are critical, and how the lives of elderly have been impacted and influenced by different policies, societies, and cultures in which they live. The book is designed as a college text for study of aging issues with a global perspective. Also, any readers interested in topics of the elderly will find the book to be a most beneficial resource.

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Angulo, A. M. ; Herrera Gómez, M.; Atwi, M. (2013): Análisis de concentración geográfica de la productividad: el caso de las empresas de manufacturas del Valle del Ebro. Revista de Estadística Española, 55(180): 95-118.

En este trabajo se analiza la concentración espacial de las empresas de manufacturas ubicadas en el Valle del Ebro, atendiendo a sus niveles de productividad. El periodo que utilizamos es 1996 a 2009. Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten valorar el impacto del entorno socioeconómico y geográfico del Valle del Ebro en la tendencia a la concentración de la productividad, lo que se conoce como externalidades espaciales. Estos resultados muestran una fuerte correlación entre tamaño del municipio, densidad y productividad. A nivel provincial, destacan las concentraciones de alta productividad en Barcelona, La Rioja, Girona y Navarra. Otros factores que ejercen un efecto positivo sobre la concentración de la productividad son: i) el atractivo del emplazamiento con preferencia por la litoralidad; ii) la cercanía a infraestructuras de comunicaciones como la autopista A2; iii) la diversidad de empresas entendida como existencia, en el entorno de una empresa, de otras empresas de sectores complementarios. Entre los aspectos que influyen negativamente sobre los datos de productividad destacan las dificultades de comunicación con el exterior, la falta de presión demográfica y la desventaja tecnológica.

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Paz, J. (2012): Evolución y estructura del desempleo urbano en la Argentina entre 1997 y 2011. Anales de la AAEP. Trelew, noviembre.

En este documento se caracteriza el mercado laboral en la Argentina poniendo especial énfasis en el análisis del desempleo urbano. Se profundiza en las razones que explicarían el aumento ocurrido en el desempleo entre 1997 y 2002, y la reducción en el período 2003-2011. El estudio explora los diferenciales socio-demográficos, ocupacionales y regionales, y la importancia de variables del hogar y del empleo previo para determinar el nivel y la estructura del desempleo en la Argentina.

Palabras Clave: Empleo, Desempleo, Mercados de Trabajo, Argentina

Código JEL: E32; I31; J11; J21

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Herrera Gómez, M.; Ruiz Marín, M.; and Mur Lacambra, J. (2013): Detecting dependence between spatial processes. MPRA Paper No. 43861, January.

Testing the assumption of independence between variables is a crucial aspect of spatial data analysis. However, the literature is limited and somewhat confusing. To our knowledge, we can mention only the bivariate generalization of Moran’s statistic. This test suffers from several restrictions: it is applicable only to pairs of variables, a weighting matrix and the assumption of linearity are needed; the null hypothesis of the test is not totally clear. Given these limitations, we develop a new non-parametric test, (m), based on symbolic dynamics with better properties. We show that the (m) test can be extended to a multivariate framework, it is robust to departures from linearity, it does not need a weighting matrix and can be adapted to different specifications of the null. The test is consistent, computationally simple and with good size and power, as shown by a Monte Carlo experiment. An application to the case of the productivity of the manufacturing sector in the Ebro Valley illustrates our approach.

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Herrera Gómez, M.; Cid , J. C. and Paz , J. (2012): “Introduction to Spatial Econometrics: An application to the study of fertility in Argentina using R” MPRA Working Paper No. 41138, September.

Spatial econometrics is a relatively young branch econometric but with a great growth in the last decades. The complexity of spatial analysis and the estimation of spatial models has been the major obstacle for appliedstudies. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the diffusion of spatial tools developed. Specifically, this paper performs a concise review of the theoretical aspects that involve the spatial treatment. We also present an empirical application of the techniques discussed. Using the statistical program R, we analyze the determinants of fertility in Argentina.

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